Magister Ludi (2018)
The Homunculus (2019)
One of my few illustrations for Goethe's Faust.
I'm Sick of Feeling (2023)
This drawing is my attempt to depict what extreme emotional swings feel like.
Raskolnilov (2017)
Embraced by Morana (2022)
Since 2022, there has been a never-ending winter in my heart; this drawing visualises the feeling of being frozen from the inside.
I Am (2018)
Illustrations by Mishelle Sherri, Paper Sculpture by Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, paper art
The Murderers of all Murderers: We Are on Fire (2020)
Just Another One Scream for Love (2021)
Self-Portrait in Bed (2022)
Portrait of my beloved Alex (2018)
The Plague (2018)
Eve (2021)
The Blue Summer and Mrs Wave (2018)
This drawing explores the role of women in Sholokhov's "And Quiet Flows the Don."
The Singer of the New Morning (2018)
Hypochondriac (2017)
I Am Not Afraid to Die, I Am Afraid I Will Survive and Have to Watch You Suffer (2022)
This drawing is dedicated to the victims of the war in Ukraine; it was my attempt to transform grief and guilt into art.
Superiority (2021)
Perfectionism as a weapon of self-destruction
Illustrations by Mishelle Sherri, Paper Sculpture by Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, paper art
Hell Is the Absence of God (2022)
This drawing is an illustration for a poem by Alex Edelweiss that explores the feeling of abandonment.
The Tower of Babel (2019)
Midday (2018)
Inspired by "Thus Spoke Zarathustra."
Children of Summer (2019)
Ode to Sappho (2021)
The Fishmonger (2018)
It sickens me to the core when religion is used as an excuse for violence.
Dysphoria (2018)
The Sun Is to Blame for Everything (2017)
Inspired by "The Stranger"
Mother Night (2018)
Dementia (2017)
Dolls (2018)
Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum (2018)
Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, marker art, book illustration
Changing the Wheel (2021) Based on the eponymous poem of Bertolt Brecht:
I sit by the roadside.
The driver changes the wheel.
I do not like the place I have come from.
I do not like the place I am going to.
Why with impatience do I
Watch him changing the wheel?
When Will You Ride Again? (2021)
The Baltic Sea Coast After a Storm (2022)
Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, marker art, book illustration
The Inferior (2019)
Love-Hate (2021)
The Becoming (2020)
Chasing the White Rabbit (2019)
The Schism (2019)
The V-Effekt, or Where to Buy a Ticket to Castalia (2021)
Gnosis (2017)
Walhalla (2018)
This artwork represents my thoughts on how the state exploits the concept of heroic death.
Ode to Aggression (2018)
Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, marker art, book illustration
Redeem Us from all Inequity (2020)
Apoptosis (2018)
Based on "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut.
In the Mist (2021)
Based on Hesse's eponymous poem, Im Nebel.
The Ghost of the Crowd (2020)
Hell Is Other People (2019)
The Kiss (2017)
This is how it feels to kiss your loved one in a country where love is illegal.
Will I Hear Butterflies Laugh? (2018)
Sweet Utopia (2016)
My Visualisation of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Bach (2019)
The Nest of the Black Bird (2017)
Based on "Almost Transparent Blue" by Ryū Murakami.
The Eternal Feminine (2019)
Inspired by "Faust."
Waiting for a Deus ex Machina (2021)
My illustration of learned helplessness.
Abortion (2017)
Sometimes I wish I could abort my thoughts before they turned into action.
Prison of the Mind (2019)
Lo! (2020)
Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, marker art, book illustration
So It Goes (2017)
Steppenwolf, Chapter 2 (2023)
Steppenwolf, Chapter 3 (2023)
Steppenwolf, Chapter 5 (2023)
Steppenwolf, Chapter 13 (2023)
What Do Mirrors Dream About? (2019)
Escapist (2017)
The Mark of Cain (2019)
The Three Graces (2018)
The Forbidden Fruit (2018)
The Snake Pit (2019)
Mishelle Sherri, Мишель Шерри, marker art, book illustration
Recurrence (2020)
In Taberna (2020)
Zarathustra in the Cave (2018)
The Self-Taught Man (2017)
Walpurgis Night (2019)
Dreaming Oedipus (2018)
Ablution (2018)
And Nothing Hurt (2018)
The Laughter of the Immortals (2018)
Chasing Lachesis (2019)

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